Upwell Structures can only be deployed by members of a player owned corporation.
Only a Station Manager, Director, or CEO of the player owned corporation may deploy an Upwell Structure.
Upwell Structures cannot be deployed in the following systems:
- Trade hubs (i.e. Jita, Amarr etc.)
- Career Agent Systems
- New Player Starter Systems
- Shattered wormholes
- Thera
Upwell Structures can be deployed anywhere in the system as long as they are far enough away from other objects. Most of the Upwell Structures have to be at least 1,000 km away from other structures or objects like stargates and stations. If the restrictions are different for the particular type of structure, it is noted in its Description.
How to deploy:
- Have the structure in a ship with a large enough cargo hold
- Navigate to the area of space you want to deploy
- Either drag from the cargo or right-click on the Structure and select "Launch for Corporation"
- You will be presented with the "Deployment" window
- Move the Citadel using the left mouse button until the structure appears blue and the "Anchor" button is active, you can rotate the structure using the right mouse button. When in an invalid position the Citadel will appear red and the "Anchor" button will remain inactive.
- Click the "Position" button when you are happy it is in the correct location and rotation
- Set the Structure Name, Profile and Vulnerability hours
- Click "Anchor"
Once deployed a Citadel will take a full 24 hours to anchor.
After Deployment
After Deployment, anchoring will not start until an initial 15-minute vulnerability has passed. Once the Anchoring is in progress, the structure cannot be attacked until the anchoring completes (usually 24 hours), at which point another 15-minute vulnerability timer must pass before the structure’s normal vulnerability schedule activates. As the structure is not fully repaired at this point, it cannot be fitted yet and must be defended by other means until this vulnerability window completes.
If the structure is attacked during any of these timers, a normal repair timer will start, and standard vulnerability mechanics occur. Structures that come under attack before their anchoring process starts will not have any reinforcement cycles and can be destroyed within a single attack, as no armor or shields are present at this stage.
The vulnerability mechanic is described in the UPWELL STRUCTURES VULNERABILITY STATES article.
Quantum Core Installation
A Quantum Core must be installed into the structure after the initial 24-hour anchoring phase. Once the structure becomes dockable after this anchoring phase, the Quantum Core will need to be installed into the Core Room in order for the structure to proceed past the initial onlining vulnerable state.
Once the Quantum Core is installed, the structure will begin the 15 minute repair timer that, when completed, will transition the structure to the shield vulnerable state. If no Quantum Core is installed, the structure will remain in the onlining vulnerable stage where the hull HP layer is exposed and the structure is vulnerable to destruction.
The Quantum Core is installed into the most central and heavily protected location within the structure, and because of this security, they will always survive the ultimate destruction of the structure intact. That is to say that the Quantum Core will drop 100% of the time from a structure's explosion. If a structure is unanchored instead of destroyed the Quantum Core will not be destroyed but also be placed into the same container that any fitted modules or service modules would be.
Anchoring in Sovereignty Nullsec
Anchoring a citadel in a nullsec system will be subject to an anchoring delay if the system contains an Infrastructure Hub owned by another player alliance.
The delay is an extra 24 hours per level of strategic index.
Strategic Index 0 = 24 hours to anchor
Strategic Index 1 = 48 hours to anchor
In addition to that, if a systems Activity Defense Multiplier is higher than 4.0, only members of the alliance claiming the system will be able to start anchoring medium Upwell Structures (Astrahus, Athanor or Raitaru). Any larger Upwell structures may still be anchored by anyone in such a system.
Decommissioning a Structure (unanchoring)
Decommissioning a structure is a 7-day process.
Only a Director or the CEO of the owning corporation may decommission a structure.
Once the decommission process has begun it can be cancelled, but it will reset the decommissioning time to 7 days.
After the 7 days, player assets inside the structure will be moved to Asset Safety. Modules, charges, the Quantum Core, and fighters attached to the structure will be moved to a container for anyone to scoop and the structure itself will be left in space in a scoopable state. The rigs that were installed into the structure will be destroyed.
During the 7 days of decommissioning the structure will be vulnerable normally. If the structure is successfully attacked, the Decommissioning process will be cancelled and the structure will proceed through its normal vulnerability cycle.
Please note that the decommissioned structure will NOT be moved into asset safety and will have to be scooped from space to be recovered.
Structures that have been decommissioned need to be scooped from space before they can be redeployed.
Maintaining a Structure
Once a structure has been deployed and fit with modules it will require fuel to make those modules active. Read Structure Management for more information.