The AIR Career Program guides Capsuleers both new and experienced through various career paths in order to prepare them for the universe of possibilities in New Eden. These paths offer opportunities to try out new playstyles and provide rewards for accomplishing goals associated with each career.
The four career paths are:
- Explorer - Navigation, Scanning, Hacking, Project Discovery
- Industrialist - Mining, Manufacturing, Salvaging, Trading
- Enforcer - PvE Combat, Missions, Abyssal Deadspace
- Soldier of Fortune - PvP Combat and Support, Faction Warfare
More details about each career can be found by clicking the links above.
Selecting a Career Path
To open the Career Program window and begin your journey, click the Career Program icon on your Neocom near the top-left of your screen.
Next, choose a career you would like to learn more about by clicking one of the four icons near the center of the window, or watch an overview of a career path by clicking "Play Video"
After selecting a career, you can navigate between path activities and their individual goals by clicking the circular icons corresponding to your choice. Your helpful AI companion Aura will suggest activities and goals by highlighting their icons in purple, and provide extra details on the right side of the screen.
Once you have selected a goal to pursue, a window will open to reveal the risks and rewards associated with completing the goal, along with some extra hints from Aura.
Tracking Your Progress
Clicking "Track" within this window will confirm that selection as your actively tracked goal. Your progress towards goals you have chosen to track can be seen in the Career Program dropdown window in the top-left of your screen. This dropdown menu can be toggled on or off by clicking the icon.
As you make progress through a career's goals, the points you earn can be seen in the progress bar at the bottom of the window. Once you have completed seventy-five percent of a career's goals, you will receive additional rewards for the progress you have made.
Although you can only actively track one goal at a time, any progress made towards goals you are not currently tracking will still count towards that goal.
Choosing to track another goal or career before completing the one you had previously tracked will not affect your progress. You may choose to track different goals as often as you desire.
Claiming Rewards for Goal and Career Progress
Once you have completed a goal or achieved a certain amount of progress within a career, you will be eligible to claim their respective rewards. You will be notified of rewards ready to be claimed by a marker on the Career Program icon in the Neocom , and you can find a list of all your unclaimed rewards on the left side of the Career Program window.
Rewards claimed from the career program will be delivered to your "Redeem Items" window. You can open your "Redeem Items" by clicking the button on your Neocom, or from the character select screen.