The entries displayed in the overview while in space can be customized to show information about the surroundings that is of interest.
The overview settings can be opened through the Three-Dot menu of the overview window. Within the game settings it is also possible to set a shortcut to open the Overview Settings, but none is set by default. All Overview settings are saved account wide, and a change will affect all characters on the same account.
Overview Tabs
A new Tab can be added by clicking the “+” icon in the Overview Window, or through the overview settings, and up to 8 Tabs can be configured to be shown within the overview for quick switching between different overview settings showing different kinds of items. Each Tab can be configured in the saved Tab Preset (shown below) and by selecting a saved Tab Preset within the "Bracket Preset" determines what symbols are being shown within the main view of the game when the respective overview tab is active.
The "Share" button in the upper right can be dragged into a chat channel, EVE Mail or Note and can be used to share the current overview settings with other players. Simply clicking on such a link allows a player to apply the overview settings to their own overview.
Tab Presets
A Preset is a series of settings that can be quickly loaded to a Tab and can also be loaded as a ‘Bracket Preset’. Presets allow saving the settings so that the user may have more Presets than they have Tabs as well as making it easy to switch between different sets of settings within a Tab or to apply settings to a newly created Tab.
Within the "Types" sub tab, the types of items in space that the overview will show can be selected. The “Search” box, as well as the item type groups, assist in finding specific item types to show within the overview. A Type group can easily be added or removed from the current view without permanently modifying a Preset and will remain until the same or another Preset is loaded into the same Tab.
Once the correct selections have been made, it can be saved by clicking the "Save" button, allowing the selection to be used within overview tabs as well as adding it to the overview window menu for easy selection.
The "States" sub tab allows a fine-grained control over what is always shown, filtered out, or determined by other settings. A State describes the relationship between the current character and the entity in question, usually another pilot but can also be an Agent or a wreck. The States are hierarchical with the highest priority state at the top of the list, as some entities can match multiple criteria, and the position of the State can be changed by the player. States can be used to make the Overview window display only the enemy ships and not the ships in a friendly fleet, for example.
The combination of Types and States results in what is visible in the Overview window and how the entity is indicated depending on its Type group, security status, relationship with the character, etc.
Within the "Appearance" tab, the background color as well as the color of the item tag can be configured. Colortags are the tiny icons displayed in the corner of the entity icon on the Overview and in the chat channel member list. Just like States, (shown above) they are hierarchical and usually indicate the relationship between the character and another character. the position of a Colortag on the list (its priority) can also be changed by the player.
Backgrounds fulfill the same role as the Colortags, but they are applied to the background color of the whole row in the Overview window, making them much more useful for indicating danger than the Colortags.
Both color tags and background color can be set to blink by right-clicking the corresponding entry and selecting "Toggle Blink".
The options within the "Columns" tab allow for a selection of what information columns are shown within the overview. Dragging and dropping the entries will determine the order in which the respective columns are shown within the Overview window.
The player can individually resize the column width and change the order of rows within the overview. Columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order, either alphabetically or by number size.
The "Ships" tab allows for configuration of what information is displayed alongside the target bracket when selected in space. Brackets for specific type groups can be set to visible or not and is per Overview Tab so switching the active Tab may affect which Brackets are visible in space.
The "Misc" tab offers a variety of miscellaneous setting, such as whether to show Targeting Crosshairs or display Damage Indications. There are also options to export the current overview settings and import such exported files again. An overview export includes all currently configured overview tabs and will be saved within your EVE folder located at Documents/EVE/Overview, for both Mac and Windows.
The "History" tab will show the last 15 Shared Overview links that have been clicked on.