Structure Vulnerability States
This state indicates the structure may be attacked and can take damage. This is the default state for the structure most of the time. Under certain circumstances, which are outlined below, structures may become invulnerable.
- Structures cannot be attacked in High Security space without a war declaration
This state indicates the structure cannot be attacked. This happens in several circumstances:
- While Anchoring
- Before the Anchoring process starts, as well as soon as it completes, the structure will only have structure and will need to pass a 15 minute repair timer. Only after the repair timer following the anchoring completion expires, shields and armor become available.
- Before the Anchoring process starts, as well as soon as it completes, the structure will only have structure and will need to pass a 15 minute repair timer. Only after the repair timer following the anchoring completion expires, shields and armor become available.
- When an attack succeeds
- On a Medium Structure
- When the attackers bring shields hitpoints to 0 the structure becomes invulnerable (reinforced) for a specific amount of time before having its next layers vulnerable to attack, as outlined in the example below.
- After depletion of the Armor HP during its armor vulnerable phase, the structure will immediately enter the hull vulnerable phase and continue to sustain damage from an attacking fleet.
- A structure without online service modules will be in "Low Power" state. This will not change the reinforcement phases for medium structures.
- A structure in the "Abandoned" state will have no reinforcement phases.
- On a Large or Extra-Large Structure
- When the attackers bring shields or armor hitpoints to 0 the structure becomes invulnerable (reinforced) for a specific amount of time before having its next layer vulnerable to attack, as outlined in the example below
- Which layer becomes vulnerable after Shields have been depleted is dependent on the power state of the structure. Active service modules on the structure will have it in a "Full Power" state, meaning that the next vulnerable layer will be the armor layer. It is possible to online service modules in order to switch the structure into "full power" mode if the structure still has shields, even if it is under attack.
- A structure without online service modules will be in "Low Power" state, and will skip the armor layer, becoming vulnerable again at the Hull Layer.
- A structure in the "Abandoned" state will have no reinforcement phases.
- On a Medium Structure
Structures will exit a reinforcement according to the following table:
Example 1: A large structure's Armor is depleted on a Monday at 09:34 AM. The owners of the structure set their reinforcement hour to 08:00 AM. With these settings, the structure will exit its reinforcement and become vulnerable for the hull layer between 05:00AM and 11:00AM (08:00AM +/- 3h) on the following days:
- Wednesday, for wormhole space
- Thursday, for Low and Null Security Space
- Saturday, for High Security Space
- Tuesday, if the structure is the War HQ
If the structure enters the Hull reinforcement cycle, all service modules that are online at the time will fall offline. Should the structure survive the repair timer after the hull reinforcement ends, those service modules will have to be turned online again manually.
Example 2: A medium structure in a wormhole is attacked and it's Shield is depleted on a Tuesday at 09:00 AM. The following timeline explains the concept:
This state actively indicates the structure is under attack
This happens when any kind of damage is applied to a vulnerable shield, armor or hull layer.
NOTE: Incoming damage is limited to a specific amount per second and depends on the size and type of structure
This state lasts for a specific amount of time.
- Time is paused whenever damage is dealt
- Immediately ends if the vulnerable layer (shields, armor or hull) reaches 0 HP. In case of shields or armor, the structure goes into an invulnerable (reinforced) state, before having the next layer set to vulnerable. In case of hull, the structure is immediately destroyed
- If the repair timer naturally expires, the structure fully recovers from the attack. Its shields, armor and hull are restored fully.
FLEX Structures
While FLEX Structures work mostly in the same manner as other Upwell Structures, they offer less defenses and are quicker to destroy. The main difference lies mainly in the fewer, and shorter reinforcement cycles: