Profile Manager

Settings are stored in profiles, when a user makes changes to their settings within the game they will be saved to the currently selected profile. Users can have as many profiles as they wish, and each profile can have a separate set of settings. The profile manager allows users to create custom profiles for each account or character. To manage profiles, click on the cogwheel next to the user account name. 

Managing profiles 

After selecting an account and going into Account Settings in the launcher, you can select which profile should be loaded with the account or create a new one.


Backing up profiles

It is recommended that users create backups of their settings and save them in a different location in case the settings become corrupt.


Profiles are saved in a cache folder on a user’s computer. There is no backup of these files on the server-side, so it is recommended that once the user is satisfied with the settings that a backup of these files is created. Instructions on how to back up the setting profiles are as follows: 

  • Press and hold the Windows key + R (this will open a Run window).
  • Copy and paste the following line into the run window: %LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\
  • You should see a few folders there. One will be named after which hard drive your SharedCache folder is installed on, such as c_eve_sharedcache_tq_tranquility, open this folder.
  • Copy "settings_xyz", where 'xyz' represents the name of the profile you wish to copy, to a safe location.


  • In the Finder, click on Go and then on Go to Folder..., or click Shift + Command + G.
  • Copy and paste the following and press enter: ~/Library/Application Support/CCP/EVE/
  • You should see a few folders there. Open the folder that starts and ends with _users [...] tranquility.
  • Copy "settings_xyz", where 'xyz' represents the name of the profile you wish to copy, to a safe location.

If something were to happen to your profile, copy the folder back and your settings should be restored to what they were when the folder was copied. If you make any changes to your settings, you should create a new backup.


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