Corporation Projects allow corporation members to complete tasks created by their leadership in return for rewards.
Corporation CEOs and Directors have access to the Project Creation Tool which they can use to create up to 100 active projects. They also have access to a special tab for each project that displays each member's individual progress toward the goal of an active project and how much they contributed when the project is completed.
To view/create your corporation's projects, you can follow the steps below:
- Head over to the Neocom
- Mouse over the "Social" section
- Click on "Corporation"
- Click "Projects" (top left)
The following projects are available:
Manual - A free form type project that is an empty canvas; it is flexible and can be used for any purpose, with the caveat that the tracking of progress is manual.
Deliver Item - Members can be mobilized to deliver items to the corporation, for the purpose of anything from buyback programs to the corporation acquiring materials for large manufacturing jobs.
- Manufacture - When a corporation requires a specific asset that can be manufactured, then project managers can encourage corporation members to focus on it using this project.
Destroy Non-Capsuleers - Contributions to this type of project are made by destroying Non-Capsuleers, optionally in a specific solar system.
Damage Capsuleers - In a PVP fight, a member can contribute to this project by dealing damage to another player; thus being recognized and rewarded for their effort without having to strike the final blow.
- Remote Repair Armor / Boost Shield - Just as with damaging others, this allows contributions in the form of remote repairing either armor or shields, giving your logistics pilots something to work towards as well.
- Ship Loss - Set up this project before-hand to simplify reimbursing corporation members' losses in exploration or in war.
- Capture / Defend Factional Warfare Complexes - For corporations that are enlisted in Factional Warfare, this project allows for directing members towards complexes specifically.
- Earn Loyalty Points - Encourage members to seek out activities that reward Loyalty Points, whether it be from any source or a specific corporation.
- Scan Signatures - To encourage exploration and discovery of valuable material, this project allows you to push members towards signatures in space, awarding contribution by scanning them to 100%.
- Mine Materials - A project that can be used to incentivize mining in a specific solar system to for example raise its Industrial Index.
- Salvage Wrecks - Similar to the mining project this incentivizes members to salvage all wrecks they leave behind or come across, all in the name of industry
Contributors can claim their rewards even when the goal is still ongoing should they wish to do so. To claim the ISK for contributions, head over to the Opportunities window and claim the reward.
Expanded Project Parameters
Project creators can author the Mine Materials, Damage Capsuleers, Destroy Capsuleer’s Ship and Earn Loyality Points projects with Expanded Project Parameters functionality.
Expanded Project Parameters functionality enables:
- Multi-value parameters: Project creators can select up to ten values per supported parameter.
- Multi-hierarchy parameters: Project creators can now also select parameter groups that span different hierarchies. Up to ten values supported.
- Locations parameter: Solar System is the smallest unit, Region (a group of multiple systems) or Constellation (a group multiple Regions).
- Ship Types or Group parameter : Ship Type is the smallest unit, Ship Tree groups (a group of multiple e.g. frigates, battleships, logistic cruisers
- Capsuleer or Organizations parameter: Capsuleer is the smallest unit, or Alliances, Corporation, Factions supported as groups
- Project Deadline: Creators can now set deadlines for their projects. This improves communication of the project timeline to the corporation members and encourage timely participation.
- Project Participation Limit: Project creators can now set limits on contributions per contributor, preventing any single player from completing the majority of a project alone allowing everyone a chance to contribute.
Over time, all projects and contribution methods will receive support for expanded project parameters.
Corporations with an office in either a Station or an Upwell Structure will have a new hangar called Projects. This hangar can have items dropped into it that are required to progress the Deliver Items project. Unlike other corporation hangars, this one does not have configurable access and is only accessible to either the corporation’s CEO or Directors. Other members have drop access only.