Triglavian Space


The Triglavian Collective launched an invasion into New Eden, fighting against EDENCOM and empire-loyal capsuleers. Some systems were won by the Triglavians who built infrastructure here and began harvesting the suns. Instability in the stargates connecting to these systems resulted from this activity, eventually causing the connections to break. These are those systems.

System Conduit Constellation
Senda Border Krai Veles
Wirashoda Internal
Ala Internal
Vale Internal
Archee Home
Angymonne Internal
Ichoriya Internal
Kaunokka Internal
Arvasaras Border
Sakenta Border Krai Perun
Komo Internal
Ignebaener Internal
Otela Internal
Kino Home
Nalvula Internal
Konola Internal
Krirald Internal
Otanuomi Border
Urhinichi Border Krai Svarog
Nani Internal
Skarkon Internal
Raravoss Internal
Niarja Home
Harva Internal
Tunudan Internal
Kuharah Internal
Ahtila Border


The Triglavian Collective enforce harsh penalties on those they do not consider worthy and reward those who have proven themselves through their actions.


Positive Standings with the Triglavians grant capsuleers access to the limited services within the stations in this space.

Activity Standing Requirement
Docking -0.05
Market & Contracts No requirements
Inventory No requirements
LP Store -0.01
Fitting 1.00
Repair 2.00
Jump Clones (Clone swapping only) 3.00
Reprocessing 3.00
Manufacturing 4.00
Corporation Offices 4.00

Note: Corp Offices rely on Corp Standings to the Triglavians, not Personal character standings

Conduit Loop

The Conduit Loop links the Triglavian systems together, forming a path between the three clade and their constellations. Capsuleers may freely travel through the Border and Internal conduits, but will need 7.00 standings to enter Home systems.

Standing Requirement 7.00

Personal Standings and high security ship restrictions apply.

Travel to Triglavian space can be through special wormholes or by using Triglavian Space Filaments

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