Known & Declared Exploits


This article outlines public exploit notifications which are still in effect and addresses certain practices which are commonly misunderstood as exploits when they in fact are not.

Please do keep in mind that this list is not an exhaustive resource for every disallowed action in EVE Online, only exploits which have been publicly disclosed will be listed below.

Should you think that you may have discovered an unknown exploit, please report it directly to us through the "Exploit" category in a support ticket. Furthermore please always remember that exploit abuse carries repercussions as outlined in the EVE Online Terms of Service.

Please bear in mind that publishing steps on how to abuse game errors or making a game feature appear erroneous for personal gain will be treated in the same manner as publishing an exploit, independently of whether it is an actual issue. Report all erroneous game behavior immediately.

Declared Exploits

This page contains all publicly declared exploits which are still in effect. Many bugs which have been publicly declared as exploits in the past have at this time been fixed and are therefore not included in the table below.

The links provided will take you directly to any past public exploit notifications.


Public Notification(s)

Description Notes



Delaying CONCORD response or completely avoiding it.

Committing a criminal act and delaying CONCORD response for an extended period.

Commonly involves leaving empty ships or drones in space that CONCORD focuses on before dealing with the attacker. This exploit is not limited to drones or ships and applies to any item or method which might be used to delay CONCORD.

It is also considered an exploit to commit a criminal act and prevent ship loss to CONCORD by any means.

CYNOSURAL FIELD INSIDE STARBASE FORCEFIELD IS AN EXPLOIT! Have an active cyno while inside a POS forcefield. Having a cynosural field generator active is supposed to leave the generating pilot immobile and vulnerable. As such, managing to be within a forcefield or being otherwise effectively invulnerable (or inaccessible) while generating a cynosural field is considered an exploit.




Bumping ships out of force fields without having access to the POS. Using any method to bump a ship out of the safe confines of a Starbase force field is an exploit if the bumper does not have access rights to said forcefield.
DRONE EXPLOIT WARNING! Assigning drones or fighters from within a POS forcefield Using any method to control drones or fighters while being protected by a Starbase force field is an exploit. 
EXPLOIT NOTIFICATION Bypassing acceleration gate ship restrictions. Using any method to bypass acceleration gate ship restrictions to enter complexes is an exploit. The notification specifies Factional Warfare complexes, but this has since been extended to all sites which have acceleration gates.
BUYING ISK FOR REAL MONEY IS NOT ALLOWED! Buying in game assets or ISK for real money is prohibited Real money trading is prohibited.
EXPLOIT NOTIFICATION – FARMING MINI SKILL INJECTORS All farming and trading of mini skill injectors is prohibited. Mini Skill Injectors are intended for use on the new character that has received them within the New Player Experience only.
EXPLOIT NOTIFICATION – GENERATION OF TECH II Blueprint Originals Generating new T2 BPOs in any capacity is not permitted. It is not supposed to be possible to create new Tech II Blueprint Originals within normal current mechanics of the game.
EXPLOIT NOTIFICATION - GHOST TRAINING Gaining the Omega Clone State Double Training speed of skills while the account is in Alpha Clone state is not permitted. Accounts in the Omega Clone state enjoy double skill training speed compared accounts in the Alpha Clone state. Somehow managing to retain this increased Omega training speed while the account is in Alpha State is not permitted.
EXPLOIT NOTIFICATION – USING A SHIP TO PREVENT WORMHOLE SPAWNING Any and all methods preventing a wormhole from appearing when it should are not permitted All methods of blocking the spawning of a wormhole are considered exploits.
EXPLOIT NOTIFICATION - USE OF ESS IN SEEKER INVESTIGATION SITES! It is no longer permitted to deploy an Encounter Surveillance System (ESS) within the same grid as a Seeker Investigation Site.  


Cloaking while running an active siege module is not permitted. Cloaking a dreadnaught while it has an abyssal siege module active is considered an exploit.

Exploit notification - Preventing Observatory Flashpoint Sites spawning

Deliberately preventing Observatory Flashpoint sites from spawning is not permitted.  
Inaccessible CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon (CRAB)


Placing CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacon (CRAB) in a location making it impossible to jump to it is not permitted.  
Exploit notification - "Abyssal Tunneling" with filaments Using a filament in System A during cluster shutdown to create a warp tunnel, and then deliberately using the same mechanic in System B at a different downtime to get returned to System A is not permitted  
Exploit Notification - Market and LP Value Manipulation for PvP Kills Repeatedly destroyed your own characters (in some cases hundreds of times) in order to farm large amounts of Loyalty Points (LP) faster than intended is not allowed Any groups that are found to be manipulating the market to increase the amount of LP gained from destroying friendly targets, or repeatedly farming large amounts of friendly targets, will be punished in accordance with our exploit section of the EVE Online Terms of Service.
Exploit Notification - Extending Abyssal Timers It is an exploit to extend the amount of time you have to complete abyssal deadspaces in any way.

Abyssal deadspace has an intended 20 minute expiration timer. Any methods to extend this timer to achieve safety or alleviate the danger of losing your ship or loot is considered an exploit.

Exploit Notification - Crazy Deep Safe spots! It is considered an exploit to begin deployment of any new Upwell Structures at a location in space further than 10AU outside the furthest celestial from the sun in the system.

These "Deep Safes" are not intended to allow structures to be deployed in them as this is not intended.


Common Misconceptions about Exploits

This passage contains common tactics and other player conduct that is often mistakenly reported as exploits but is in fact not.


Non-Exploit Description
Log Off Traps
  • Players are free to log out and back into our game at their own leisure.
  • Surprising a target by logging in is not considered to be an exploit.
Grid Manipulation
  • Extending the grid to increase the available information on the overview.
AFK Cloaking
  • A player is present in a system for a long time, usually cloaked, doing nothing at all most of the time.
MWD Cloak Warp
  • Using a Cloaking Device and one cycle acceleration on a Microwarpdrive module to enter warp immediately upon decloaking.
Ship Bumping
  • Ram the ship of another player with your own in order to prevent them from warping.
Warp disruption fields at star gates
  • Having players dragged into bubbles by strategically placing them behind star gates is not an exploit.
Constant War Declarations
  • War Declarations are a risk that every player corporation has to face and they are under no circumstances considered harassment. Wars in general can be completely avoided by remaining in an NPC corporation.
Ship text always shown on all brackets
  • It is possible to always show ship types next to each bracket, as outlined in this forum post. However, this function is not officially supported and may result in unexpected behavior of the client. Use at your own risk.
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